Virtual Care QUOTE: GLOSSARY Appropriate assessment: includes, but is not limited to, taking a patient history, visual inspection (if applicable) and performing/ordering any necessary diagnostic tests, investigations or procedures that are required to help establish a diagnosis and/or guide management. Commented [CD16]: Added to address a common issue/query. Commented [CD17]: From CPSBC. Commented [CD18]: Added to address common issue/query. Virtual Care Appropriateness, limitations and privacy risks: virtual care is appropriate when it will facilitate a good outcome and, in some cases, may be the best option; however, some health concerns cannot be managed virtually (e.g., the patient requires in-person assessment). My humble opinion: In the above paragraph, the "HOWEVER, SOME HEALTH ISSUES CANNOT BE MANAGED VIRTUALLY (e.g., THE PATIENT REQUIRES in-person assessment)" might not be well formulated, and might lead to confusion and misunderstanding. Shouldn't it be: "however, some health concerns cannot be managed virtually (e.g." THE PATIENT"S MEDICAL ISSUE requires in-person assessment)" instead ? There are those issues that cannot be managed virtually: e.g, looking for a hernia, checking a prostate, examining a patient in-person because of the presence of red flags symptoms... But to say that "some health concerns cannot be managed virtually (e.g., the patient requires in-person assessment)" .might make people erroneously think that " I want in-person visit, so the doctor has to oblige"... I am thinking about those situations we had when a patient (who does not believe in Covid, is against masking, against self distancing …) asks to be seen in-person to be able to vent "in-person" their anger against an employer, … or to rant "in-person" about public health measures, about governments conspiracies... Supportive listening and finding a way to help those patients can take 30 min to 60 min a visit …even more. Might be not a big issue, pre-Covid era. But in this Covid era, how would you feel, stuck for 30 min in the tiny exam room, not optimally ventilated, with the patient standing at less than 3 feet from you, blocking the door, talking loudly and relentlessly, and projecting visible droplets of saliva onto your face because his mask (if he agrees to wear one), loosely worn, has dropped to his chin... You are scared, you feel "ambushed" ( as a colleague of us put it) because those peoples are the most at risk peoples, are the ones who do not care about contracting the virus ("it's a hoax"), do not care about spreading it to other people, other patients ( "it's just a bad cold, why are you so scared?"). One of our poor staff was on the brink of tears on that evening, and she was so traumatized she asked not to be put at the front desk the following days... Wouldn't it be clearer to say "however, some health concerns cannot be managed virtually (e.g." the patient's MEDICAL ISSUE requires in-person assessment)" instead ? Just an humble opinion

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